Subject Parameter Definition of Optical Performance/Channel Monitor
Date 08/07/2009

Parameter Definition


Wavelength Range (nm) is defined as wavelength range over which the Optical Performance Monitor (OPM) or Optical Channel Monitor (OCM) can measure the power and wavelength of the optical channels.

1530.33 - 1563.05 nm

Channel Number is the total number of channels defined in a channel plan that the OPM / OCM can identify.


Channel Spacing (GHz) is the equal frequency separation between two neighboring channels in DWDM system.

100 GHz

Input Wavelength Tolerance (GHz) defines the maximally allowed deviation of input laser away from ITU grid or channel plan. This parameter defines the minimum channel spacing. For example, for Input wavelength tolerance = ±5 GHz, channel spacing = 50 GHz, the minimum channel spacing will be 40 GHz in the worst case.

±5 GHz

Adjacent Channel Power Difference (dB) is maximum power difference between any two adjacent channels

12 dB

Non-adjacent Channel Power Difference (dB) is maximum power difference between any two non-adjacent channels

20 dB

Maximum Input Power (dBm) is total input optical power of all channels that is allowed to the OPM.

23 dBm

Channel Input Power Range (dBm) is the measurement power range of each channel when power and wavelength can be correctly reported.

-40 to -10 dBm

Absolute Channel Power Accuracy (dB) is defined as ±Max (|DPi|) over all the channels and operating temperature range, where DPi is the power measurement error against a calibrated power meter for the channel i.

± 0.5 dB

Relative Channel Power Accuracy (dB) is defined as the difference between the maximum and the minimum values of the power measurement error data across Spectral Range (all channels) at a measurement temperature. The worst-case value over all temperatures is used to specify Relative Channel Power Accuracy.

0.6 dB

Power Measurement Repeatability (dB) is the variation of a channel power measurement on a 1-minute interval at fixed peak power and polarization and at a constant temperature.

± 0.1 dB

PDL (dB) is the power difference between the two extreme polarization states.

0.3 dB

Absolute Wavelength Accuracy (pm) is defined as ±Max (|Dli|) over all the channels and operating temperature range, where Dli is the wavelength measurement error against a calibrated wavelength meter for the channel i.

± 50 pm

Relative Wavelength Accuracy (pm) is defined as the difference between the maximum and the minimum values of the wavelength measurement error data across Spectral Range (all channels) at a measurement temperature. The worst-case value over all temperatures is used to specify Relative Wavelength Accuracy.

60 pm

OSNR (dB) is measured as the ratio of a coherent signal power to a band-limited broadband noise source, normalized to 0.1-nm spectral window.

28 dB

Maximum OSNR (dB) is the highest OSNR that can be measured and still meet the OSNR accuracy and repeatability requirements. Its value depends on the input channel power level, noise floor, and filter isolation. See a typical example in the graph.

28 dB

OSNR Range is the maximum and minimum OSNR values, within which OPM can report OSNR with OSNR error < OSNR Accuracy.

10 ~ 25 dB

OSNR Accuracy (dB) is defined as ±Max (|DOSNRi|) over all the channels and operating temperature range, where DOSNRi is the OSNR measurement error against a calibrated Optical Spectrum Analyzer for the channel i.

± 1.5 dB

Noise Floor (dBm) is defined as electronics noise without light input.

-60 dBm

Optical Return Loss (dB) is the ratio between the input power and the reflected power over all polarization states at each port, RL = -10×log10(Pr/Pin).

40 dB

Response Time (ms) is the time required to perform the measurements of OSNR, power, and wavelength for all channels and transfer these values over the communications interface to the central controller.

500 ms

Power Consumption (W) is defined as peak electrical power when the OPM operates.

2 W

Operating Temperature (°C) is the ambient temperature range over which the device can be operated and maintain its specifications.

-5 to 65 °C

Storage Temperature (°C) is the ambient temperature range over which the device can be stored without damage and can be operated over operating temperature according to its specifications.

-40 to 85 °C

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