Subject Parameter Definition of Optical Hybrid
Date 08/07/2009

Parameter Definition


Wavelength Range (nm) is defined as spectral range over which the optical hybrid can operate.

1527.99 ~ 1563.05 nm

Phase Difference (deg): In each of the four output ports (M1, M2, M3 and M4), the interference between S and L takes place. If the phases of S and L at the four outputs are,
fSM1, fSM2, fSM3, fSM4, fIM1, fIM2, fIM3, fIM4
then, the phase difference between port 1 and port 3 is defined as:
(fSM1 - fIM1) - (fSM3 - fIM3)
The phase difference between port 2 and port 4 is defined as:
(fSM2 - fIM2) - (fSM4 - fIM4)

90±5 deg

Input Port: There are two input ports, which are S and L.


Output Port: There are 4 output ports, which are M1, M2, M3 and M4.


Excess Insertion Loss (dB) is defined as the actual insertion loss subtracted by 6 dB, which is the ideal intrinsic loss from any input to any output.

8.0 dB

Insertion Loss Difference (dB): It is the insertion loss difference between two specified optical paths.

0.5 dB

Optical Return Loss (dB) is the ratio between the input power and the reflected power over all polarization states at each port , RL = -10×log10(Pr/Pin).

40 dB

Operating Temperature (°C) is the ambient temperature range over which the device's performance spec can be met.

15 to 35 °C

Storage Temperature (°C) is the ambient temperature range over which the device can be stored without affecting its intended application afterwards.

-40 to 85 °C

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